FRENCH ARTISTPierre Soufflet

Pierre Soufflet is an Associate of Mathematics since the age of 24, teacher in a high school in Amiens and lecturer at the School of Engineering where he specialised in probabilities and research computing time in algorithms, Pierre Soufflet , born in 1963 in Amiens, France, has simultaneously tried writing (two books published: a satirical alphabet of the world of education and news) and launched into art. Interested in the first arts since the 1990s, he gradually built up a collection of African and Oceanian masks found in specialized auctions. In about ten years, the artistic career of Pierre Soufflet was thus drawn.In 2009, he is an enlightened amateur, passionate about tribal art and self-taught that he delivers his first reinterpretations of masks Kodiaks (Alaska) and Dogons (Mali) and creates his own assembling techniques, paper amalgam fruit bubble, metal rods, plaster strips and acrylic paint. 2011 marks the first exhibitions and the interest of Belgian gallery owners who attract the confidence of collectors. It is via the internet that the artist captures the attention of foreign galleries, especially in the United States. His style evolves, his techniques change. He tried drawing and experimented with monotypes and hybrid paintings between painting, collage and sculpture. The latter, kind of rather abstract shields, earned him his first official listing at auctions at the hotel Drouot in Paris in 2012.At the same time, he collaborated with two French and Irish stylists to create decorative objects and clothes. In 2017, models parade wearing their dresses on the RTE, the first Irish TV channel. In 2016 he abandons sculpture for portraits made on paper strongly inspired by the works of Jean-Michel Basquiat and Antonio Saura. And today, Pierre Soufflet works with ink and acrylic.Apart from painting, Pierre Soufflet is passionate about golf and poker.
Permanent exhibitions : KKWave Art Taipei City, TAIWAN. Art Access Gallery, Columbus, USA. The Chimera Gallery, Mullingar, IRELAND. Galerie Maroncelli 12, Milan, ITALY. Show : 2019 Solo show, La Loge, 24 rue Morère, Paris 14ème. Galerie de l’Europe. 55 rue de Seine. Paris 6ème. Art3f Luxembourg artfair
2018 Permanent artist. Gallery Bruno Massa, Paris/New York. Affordable Art Fair. Milan. ITALY.« Art & Jazz dans ma cour ». Hermonville (Reims).
2017 Art3f Reims artfair. Solo show, Pékin (Beijing), CHINA. Gallery AAC, Amiens.
2016 The Chimera Gallery, IRELAND. Art3f Metz artfair. 2015 Art3f Paris arfair. Art3f Metz artfair. Gallery Mad-Art, Belgium.